Thank you Americans for the Arts and Elisabeth Dorman for this important reporting on the fight to restore funding to the Alaska State Council on the Arts! And many more thanks to all of the artists and supporters who protested, performed, wrote letters, and believed in the power of art. Kudos to @contiphotos, @camera_blanca, @geminiwaltzmedia for contributing to this story which was sent to their 6000+ members. A special thanks to @camera_blanca for inviting me to document her performance, hence my inclusion also! .
#americansforthearts #alaskansforthearts #akactivists #artmatters #asca #artwidow #art #kitchencopywork
girlgaze is the craze
What a craze girlgaze has created! A long overdue endeavor to help bring spotlight to the girlgaze: women and girls behind cameras. Its aim is to inspire, connect, support, and promote girls and women in the photographic industry. I first heard about this endeavor on the Instagram feed of Lynsey Addario. Lynsey is one of 6 women collaborators who started girlgaze, spearheaded by Amanda de Cadenet. This hashtag, #girlgaze, is worth spending time on. Of great social and historical importance, I believe girlgaze will only be the beginning of great things to come. I am honored to be shared and included with so many female photographers. Photography has been a medium where the female gaze has always been as successful as the male gaze... but the business end of the industry is where the inequities shine. Thank you Amanda de Cadenet and thank you to the girlgaze team.