Julia Buschmann, Legislative Aide, room 431, 4th floor, The Jan Falks Conference Room, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska .
The Capitol Project is a portrait project putting politics aside and honoring the people making a difference in the beautiful and historical 90+ year old Capitol building in Juneau, Alaska. This is the 5th year of portraits, completed 1 day before the building was shut down to the public due to Covid-19. Follow @kateswool on Instagram for the latest portraits.

Elizabeth Niiqsik Ferguson, Legislative Aide, room 102, 1st floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska .

Brian Hild, Austin Baird, and Joe Plesha (left to right) House Majority Press, House Majority Press Office, room 122, 1st floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Jennifer Johnston, House Representative, District 28, room 511, 5th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Andy Josephson, House Representative, District 17, room 502, 5th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska
Photo on wall: ‘I am a Man,’ by Ernest C. Withers, 1968

Lyda Rees, Legislative Aide, front entrance, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Max Thompson, 8, Guest House Page and son of Steve Thompson, House Majority Leader and Representative, District 2, outside the House of Representatives, 2nd floor, the capitol building, Juneau, AK

Sorcha Hazelton, Legislative Aide, room 500, 5th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Pat Pitney, Legislative Finance Director, room 511, 5th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

David Clark, Legislative Aide, Max Gruenberg House Judiciary Committee Room, room 119, 1st floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Teresa Wrobel, Legislative Intern, front entrance, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Tiffany Zulkosky, House Representative, District 38, room 416, 4th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska
Photo: ‘Joe Hinz’ Tiffany’s dad, by unknown

Hunter Meachum, Legislative Aide, room 432, 4th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Ginny Kawasaki visiting her son, Scott Kawasaki, Senator, District A, 1st floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

John Lincoln, House Representative, District 40, room 102, 1st floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Jess Pierce, Senate Page, The Butrovich Committee Room, room 205, 2nd floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Monica Ritter, Legislative Lounge Staff, Legislative Lounge, 2nd floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Kelly Merrick, House Representative, District 14, room 500, 5th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Rachel Hartman (left) and Kira Fagerstrom, Legislative Interns, room 411, 4th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Grace Kubitz, Legislative Aide, front steps, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Robin O’Donoghue, Legislative Aide, 1st floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Ann Dombkowski, Legislative Aide, room 432, 4th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Angela Jenkins, First Alaskan Institute intern, in the stairwell, between the 3rd and 4th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Erin Schine, Legislative Aide, room 511, 5th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Rose Foley, Legislative Aide, room 102, 1st floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Sophie Jones, Legislative Aide, Max Gruenberg House Judiciary Committee Room, room 119, 1st floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Sara Hannan, House Representative, District 33, room 432, 4th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska .

Tristan Walsh, Legislative Aide, front door, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Jacquelyn Boyer, Legislative Aide, room 511, 5th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Mary Uyanik, Press, KTOO/Gavel Alaska The Butrovich Committee Room, room 205, 2nd floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Elise Sorum-Birk, Legislative Aide, room 502, 5th floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Lizzie Kubitz, Legislative Aide, front steps, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Elizabeth Ahkivgak, Legislative Aide, room 102, first floor, the capitol building, Juneau, Alaska

Abby (left) and Evelyn Wool, Guest Pages, outside the House of Representatives, 2nd floor, the capitol , Juneau
The Wool girls were on their spring break visiting their dad, Adam Wool, House Representative, District 5.